Sunday 24 October 2010

Throat Chakra: Character

Principles and Characteistics of the Throat Chakra:

Colour: Blue

Here we have the realm of conciusness where communication occurs, whether that be within ourselves or to and from another.
Other Names: Throat, visuddha (Sanskrit)
Situated: throat area
Element: Sound
Area of consciousness: etheric body
This etheric body is the template for the physical body, and represents our potential for perfection.
Key Words: sound, vibration, communication, and self-expression
Physical organ association: thyroid and parathyroid glands, lungs, vocal cords, and bronchial apparatus.
Relationship: the throat area where sound is created
Governs: communication, expression of thoughts and feelings

Characteristics implemented for character:

  • Blue colour
  • sound

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