Thursday 28 October 2010

Expected Gameplay


After constructing the map for the first level of my Kundlini game I have devised the expected gameplay according to this map. The expected gameplay is as follows:

  1. After the game has initially loaded the first scene the player will be faced with is the graveyard scene. It is expected the player will walk through this area collecting all skulls found(which will acquire points for the player) and also answer brain teaser questions whch will be revealed when hovering over the graves (marked with 'Q'-this will not be viewable to the player, however).These graves are located in the grave yard area of the game.
  2. The second option is that the player walks straight through the graveyard to the gate leading to the Rose Hall Manor. However, if the player has not acquired enough points, (through collecting skulls and answering questions correctly) the player will be promted to go back and either collect more skulls ot anser more questions correcly before being allowed to pass through the gate into the Manor.
  3. Once the player has obtained sufficient points the player will be allowed to pass through the gate where they will encounter a non interactive 360 degree view of the Rose Hall Manor. This shall give them an idea of the building they have just entered.
  4. After the 3D scene the player will walk through the door of the first building of this game level, of which there is only one entrance.
  5. The player enters into a desolate, haunted looking building in a state of disrepair. In the middle of the room is a Table on which lays a book which when hovered over introduces the player to the Root chakra character- Voudou man. Voudou Man's role is to help the player throughout the Level One and issue the player with unknown information to help them on their quest.  
  6. In this instance Voudou Man details to the player what they must do in order to suceed in this level of the game.
  7. The player then has opportunity to explore the Manor where they are able to collect food and drink to sustain life, answer questions to earn points, and skulls to earn money.
  8. There are also secret rooms in the 3 floor Manor house, on exploration of the Manor house (and entire level) the player may also encounter obstacles which they must overcome to continue, or be forced to go back a stage or lose points.
  9. On reaching the top of the Manor house the player will enter a very small room with only one door leading to an open scene of moving platforms high above a skeleton pit.
  10. The player must gage when to jump onto the moving platforms and navigate their way into the centre with falling into the skeleton pit and losing life.
  11. Once in the middle the player receives a surprise gift, and must navigate their way to the other side of the platform section of the game without falling into the skeleton pit below.
  12. Once successfully across, the player then crosses a bridge which lowers them to ground level and then enter into the grave yard once more. The player has one final opportunity to obtain skulls for money, Life boosters, food and drink to help sustain their life.
  13. The player must explore the the graveyard to receive their last message from the Voudou Man before entering the Transition building  to go onto the next level.

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