Sunday 24 October 2010

Third Eye Chakra: Character

Principles and characteristics of the Third Eye Chakra:

Colour: Indigo

The essence and function of this chakra is to "see" in the sense that we accept that complete vision will include both darkness and light.
Other Names:
Third Eye, Brow, ajna (Sanskrit)
centre of head, behind forehead
Area of consciousness:
celestial body
It is here that we have "sixth sight," or the ability to "see" by way of clairvoyance. We use this chakra for visualization, receiving insight or inspiration.
Key Words:
intuition, imagination and clairvoyance
Physical organ association:
pineal (althought some believe it is the pituaitary gland)
the storehouse and viewing screen of all visual input from our two physical eyes and our "third eye" (the etheric organ of psychic perception}.
spirituality and the search for meaning in life, instuition, visualization

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