Tuesday 2 November 2010

Transition Building: Level One

As the Transition building is the gateway to the next level every transition building will be very simplistic in design. This is so that the player can forget the themes, concepts and aspects of the previous level as they venture onto to master the next chakra.

So with keeping with this theme I have decided that the transitions building will (highlight the fact that this a transition for one chakra to another) shall be 3 quarters the old chakra and one quarter the preceding chakra. This is symbolic of the fact that the player has mastered the old and is taking transition into the new. 

The first 3 quarters of this transition building will be root chakra related and in keeping the established theme and ambience of the level. The last one quarter will feature gentle snippets of what is to come in the next level. Not only reminding the plyaer of the next mission at hand but also inviting intrigue 

Textures for the first three quarters of the Transition Building

Textures for the last quarter of the transition Building

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