Sunday 14 November 2010

Key Performance Indicators

I have decided that the on screen indicators that shall show the player their life status shall be based on graphical information presented to me for my chakra balancing.

I feel that the way the information is presented is aesthetically pleasing to the eye but at r=the same time presents a lot of information in one snapshot.

The use of graphs and charts and body mapping is very informative at a quick glance which means that a player is able to determine their status (life state) very quickly without having to decode anything too complex.

The charts that will be present will consist of all elements featured below:

The break down in life status will consist of ;

  1. Chakra Vitality
  2. Aura- colour
  3. Aura- Size
  4. Energy levels of Mind, Body and Spirit
  5. The Emotionmeter
  6. State of Mind and Body
  7. Colour Wheel
  8. Aura Chakra Balance
  9. Personality Profile
  10. Points

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