Sunday 14 November 2010

Research: MIND BODY & SPIRIT EVENT: Cocoon healing

Your Body Really can HEAL Itself
PAIN be gone
DIS-EASE be gone
SICKNESS be gone
Amazing Remarkable Results!            Especially if you are in PAIN!
The Crystal Cocoon
What to Expect:

You will be invited to lie down on a therapy bed. You remain fully clothed throughout.
Using a combination of EFT, CRYSTALS, SOUND (Drumming), REIKI and Zero Point energy you will receive clearly focussed healing energy.
No needles, no pills - simply a combination of very powerful and focussed energies.
Note on the laptop screen, the size of the aura (large red circle) is maximized and the chakras are all over 90% open. The client's left hand is on a biofeedback hand plate, which shows change 'by the second' to the aura and chakras in real time.
Sally & Dave giving Reiki healing
Vibration of the Drum: The Native American Indian Drum gives the most powerful and beautiful healing energy. (read more about my drum here)
Crystals: Their vibrations assist to rebalance the chakras (energy centres).
Reiki: The gentle Reiki healing works so beautifully with Sound & Crystals.
Clients arriving with pain and aches frequently (and more often then not) leave pain free.
The Crystal Cocoon is an amazing experience.

Home Visit available within 30 mile radius of Banbury.
£75 for 60 Minute session
 (includes travel expenses).
Please do NOT let lack of funds prevent you from alleviating your pain.
Genuine hardship - there will be no charge whatsoever.

David is a fully trained and Certified Advanced EFT Practitioner. He is also certified in Serious Diseases.
David is a qualified Trainer in EFT and trains to Adv. Practitioner status.
Whilst EFT and Crystal healing and other therapy modalities listed on this page have produced excellent results (in my own experience and in my therapy practice), they are not to be considered as a substitute for traditional medical treatment. Always consult your own doctor or other appropriate medical practitioner when you have a serious health issue. Make complimentary healing part of a complete health care programme.

To receive an understanding and experience the concept of the 'cocoon healing' method I decided to try it out for myself and for the sake of my research. This was a very interesting experience.

I recorded the experience on a dictaphone to evidence the experience and let David explain what he was doing. Here is the recording....

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