Thursday 25 November 2010


Ton ensure that all my work is in on time I shall be using next week to finish off unfinished work, trying to get the Rose Hall Building to render and tying up loose ends of my project. I have also started looking into artwork which can be utilised as marketing material. Below is my first attempt at creating The Kundalini Poster...

Written Doccument

The written document is now almost complete all it really needs is to be accompanied by my hand drawn and digital artwork. As I intend to have these printed professionally I still have yet to decide how my word document will be presented. Although I do want to submit a tangible document, I have decided that I shall also produce in flash book format for aesthetics detail and so that if I choose it may be uploaded, or forwarded upon request and can be included in my digital portfolio.

Wednesday 24 November 2010

Graveyard Renders

Here is a render of the Graveyard scene in level one of the Kundlini game....


<object width="400" height="300"><param name="allowfullscreen" value="true" /><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always" /><param name="movie" value=";;show_title=1&amp;show_byline=1&amp;show_portrait=1&amp;color=00ADEF&amp;fullscreen=1&amp;autoplay=0&amp;loop=0" /><embed src=";;show_title=1&amp;show_byline=1&amp;show_portrait=1&amp;color=00ADEF&amp;fullscreen=1&amp;autoplay=0&amp;loop=0" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowscriptaccess="always" width="400" height="300"></embed></object><p><a href="">Graveyard Scene</a> from <a href="">THE EMPRESS</a> on <a href="">Vimeo</a>.</p>

Graveyard scene: Fog experimentation

Experimenting with fog effects to create a haunted/horror-stricken environment for the graveyard scene. The following renders show varying amounts of fog applied using different techniques, falloff, density and colour.

Grave yard scenes

Looking at scenes and lighting for grave yard scenes:

Rose Hall Renders

Rose Hall Renders Level one;

Rose Hall Renders Level two;

Rose Hall Renders Level three;

STILL RENDERING!!!!!!!!............

Sunday 21 November 2010

Rose Hall Renders

These are a few test renders of the Rose Hall Building I am constructing. As it is very large with lots of textures and bump maps it is taking painfully long to fully render...

However i am STILL attempting to RENDER!!!..........

Sunday 14 November 2010

Key Performance Indicators: Adaptations

These are my adaptations to the K.P.Is and a snapshot of how i visualise the screen to look like.

Key Performance Indicators

I have decided that the on screen indicators that shall show the player their life status shall be based on graphical information presented to me for my chakra balancing.

I feel that the way the information is presented is aesthetically pleasing to the eye but at r=the same time presents a lot of information in one snapshot.

The use of graphs and charts and body mapping is very informative at a quick glance which means that a player is able to determine their status (life state) very quickly without having to decode anything too complex.

The charts that will be present will consist of all elements featured below:

The break down in life status will consist of ;

  1. Chakra Vitality
  2. Aura- colour
  3. Aura- Size
  4. Energy levels of Mind, Body and Spirit
  5. The Emotionmeter
  6. State of Mind and Body
  7. Colour Wheel
  8. Aura Chakra Balance
  9. Personality Profile
  10. Points

Research: Chakra Balancing

This was my chakra balancing experience:

Research: MIND, BODY &SPIRIT EVENT: Chakra Balancing

Taken directly from their website:

Using 'state-of-the-art' Bio Feedback technology
You will be able to SEE changes in your CHAKRAS in 'Real Time'
You will be able to SEE changes in your AURA (full body) in 'Real Time'
You will be given a high quality image of your energy & chakras.
You will 'SEE' and 'FEEL' remarkable changes take place in your body.
What to Expect:
You will be invited to lie down on a therapy bed.
You remain fully clothed throughout.
Using a combination of Clear Quartz crystals, Amethyst points, Sound (Drumming), Reiki and Zero Point energy you will receive clearly focussed healing energy. No needles, no pills - simply a combination of very powerful and focussed energies.
On the left the chakras are not a uniform shape or size.
On the right, the crystal therapy has introduced new energy giving uniformity in size and shape
The Result:
Your chakras and aura will be rebalanced.
Blockages will have been removed.
Aches and pains will have been relieved.
You will receive a photo image clearly showing your body energy, the chakras (size, shape & colour), your levels of stress & relaxation, how you deal with emotions, the balance between 'yin' and 'yang' and your energy levels. See the images below - every client will have the opportunity to receive this unique service. 'FEEL' and now 'SEE' the difference.

Now you can ‘SEE’ which of your chakras are functioning poorly and which chakras are working overtime.  Your chakras are evaluated through Biofeedback Energy Imaging. You will get a better understanding of how your body functions on an energetic level. Having a non-functioning chakra can effectively "blow out" an otherwise healthy chakra.
We Balance and Realign chakras using CRYSTALS and / or SOUND (Drumming).
The Base or Root chakra is located at the base of the spine and is associated with issues of basic health and survival. Balancing this chakra grounds the spiritual forces in the body to the Earth and the physical realm of reality. When poorly grounded, your spatial understanding is impaired. You may stumble around physically, mentally, spiritually, and emotionally. Grounding enhances your ability to function effectively on a day-to-day basis. The base chakra is also known as a storehouse for a fiery energy (Kundalini) that, if awakened, rises up the spine, illuminating all the chakras.
The Sacral chakra is located just below the navel in the abdominal area. This chakra affects the sexual organs. The functions associated with this centre are emotion, vitality, fertility, reproduction, and sexual energy in general. Likewise, any problems in these functions can be identified and resolved through this chakra. Balancing this chakra is an excellent way of keeping your sexual and creative energy vitalized, a great help in channeling energy into your work and everyday life.
The Naval chakra is located just above the navel in the solar plexus and is related to the digestive organs. It is the seat of the will-your power centre. It is associated with action, assertion, empowerment, and ego mastery. It is the area where chi or life force is stored. Malfunctions in the navel chakra may leave you feeling tired, powerless, and withdrawn.
The Heart Chakra is located in the centre of the chest between the two nipples. It influences the heart and is associated with love, compassion, and affection. This chakra forms a bridge, linking the upper three chakras to the lower three. Balancing this chakra will balance the descending chakra energies against the ascending chakra frequencies. From the heart, these harmonious energies resonate outward into the web of life.  We must now learn to live from the heart. We have been living from the navel centre, using our ego and will power for mastery, control, and conquest. If we focus on the heart centre we can hear divine will. Our actions then spring from divine will rather than the ego.
The Throat chakra is located at the base of the neck in the nook where the clavicle bones meet. It is associated with the vocal cords and the thyroid gland. It is the chakra of communication, telepathy, and creative expression. Unexpressed emotions tend to constrict this energy centre. Balancing this chakra greatly enhances self-expression, creativity, and telepathic communication with others. More importantly, you will develop your ability to hear and recognize the truth of your inner voice.
The Third Eye chakra is that of the brow, or place of  "psychic vision." Located between and slightly above the eyebrows. This energy centre is closely associated with imagination, inner vision, and psychic abilities. It functions as a link between the inner world and the outer world. Malfunctions of the brow chakra commonly manifest as headaches and eye tension. Balancing this chakra remedies any problems in function and opens the door to a reality separate from the ordinary world.
The Crown chakra is located at the top of the head. It is "the open door" through which higher spiritual knowledge is received. Balancing this facilitates a state of unity consciousness. One's sense of being a separate individual gives way to an experience of union, not only with other individuals, but also with the entire universe. The benefits of attaining this state of unity consciousness include relaxation, healing, more energy, better memory, greater mental clarity, enhanced creativity, and communion with the resonating web of life.

Research: MIND BODY & SPIRIT EVENT: Cocoon healing

Your Body Really can HEAL Itself
PAIN be gone
DIS-EASE be gone
SICKNESS be gone
Amazing Remarkable Results!            Especially if you are in PAIN!
The Crystal Cocoon
What to Expect:

You will be invited to lie down on a therapy bed. You remain fully clothed throughout.
Using a combination of EFT, CRYSTALS, SOUND (Drumming), REIKI and Zero Point energy you will receive clearly focussed healing energy.
No needles, no pills - simply a combination of very powerful and focussed energies.
Note on the laptop screen, the size of the aura (large red circle) is maximized and the chakras are all over 90% open. The client's left hand is on a biofeedback hand plate, which shows change 'by the second' to the aura and chakras in real time.
Sally & Dave giving Reiki healing
Vibration of the Drum: The Native American Indian Drum gives the most powerful and beautiful healing energy. (read more about my drum here)
Crystals: Their vibrations assist to rebalance the chakras (energy centres).
Reiki: The gentle Reiki healing works so beautifully with Sound & Crystals.
Clients arriving with pain and aches frequently (and more often then not) leave pain free.
The Crystal Cocoon is an amazing experience.

Home Visit available within 30 mile radius of Banbury.
£75 for 60 Minute session
 (includes travel expenses).
Please do NOT let lack of funds prevent you from alleviating your pain.
Genuine hardship - there will be no charge whatsoever.

David is a fully trained and Certified Advanced EFT Practitioner. He is also certified in Serious Diseases.
David is a qualified Trainer in EFT and trains to Adv. Practitioner status.
Whilst EFT and Crystal healing and other therapy modalities listed on this page have produced excellent results (in my own experience and in my therapy practice), they are not to be considered as a substitute for traditional medical treatment. Always consult your own doctor or other appropriate medical practitioner when you have a serious health issue. Make complimentary healing part of a complete health care programme.

To receive an understanding and experience the concept of the 'cocoon healing' method I decided to try it out for myself and for the sake of my research. This was a very interesting experience.

I recorded the experience on a dictaphone to evidence the experience and let David explain what he was doing. Here is the recording....


To conduct more in depth research on my game concept I decided to attend a spiritual fair held in Derby at the Derby University. The event was called Mind Body & Spirit Event. I thought I may be able to receive a more depth view on the Chakra concept and gain an insight which may help to further my game concept.

Although there were many Stalls there were not many on the concept that i wanted to research. Many of the stall were offering mediumship, shamanism, fortune-telling and so forth. There were a few stall which offered aura photographs which I found very interesting, but not very many on Chakras.

Thursday 11 November 2010

These are some adaptations I have made to the solar plexus character...

Gameplay Adaptations

As discussed last week I have continued to expand upon the gameplay elements of level of my Kundalini game but elaborating further in much greater detail. The revised version of the gameplay document is as follows:


1.    After the game has initially loaded the first screen the player will be faced with is a basic mood board type story board. This will explain the narrative element of the game about to be played and outline the objects of the game to the player. Within this story board will be a brief synopsis of the origin of Kundalini concept. This will be put into context regarding the game thus highlighting to player the the main principles of the game. Within this short narrative will explain how to find food, drink and life boosters, and general navigation of the game. This initial scene will also hold FAQs.
2.    Immediately after the storyboard and introduction to the game the next scene to appear is the graveyard scene. It is expected the player will walk through this area collecting all skulls found(which will acquire points for the player) and also answer brain teaser questions which will be revealed when hovering over the graves (marked with 'Q'-this will not be viewable to the player, however).These graves are located in the grave yard area of the game.
3.    On entering the grave yard section of the game the player can choose to walk left, right or forwards. There are 13 graves in the grave yard, 6 of which are brainteaser questions which can earn the player a maximum of 60 points.  10 points is the maximum points allowance per question depending upon whether the player answers the question correctly and how quickly the question is answered.
4.    The player needs a minimum of 30 points to be able to proceed to the next section of the game.
5.    Three of the 13 graves have obstructions, this means that the player must answer a question based on the Kundalini concept- if the player answers correctly they may continue. If the player answers incorrectly the player has 10 points deducted. There is no time limit element when answering these questions.
6.    One of the 13 graves allows the player to communicate with the chakra character. In level one the chakra character is the Voudou Man. The player is given secret information in the form of a riddle or ambiguous language to help them advance in the game. At this particular point of the game the Voudou Man reveals to the player that they must ensure they have enough food and water supplies as it is a long journey ahead. In short, if the player fails to collect two of the three food and drink supplies hidden in the graveyard their life levels will deplete in the next section of the game disallowing them to continue. The Voudou Man also hints that there maybe an object hidden which may help them in the next section of the game. This is reference to a key which can be found in the graveyard, this key will enable the player open a secret door located in the Rose Hall Manor at a later stage in the game.
7.    The player may also attempt to walk straight through the graveyard to the gate leading to the Rose Hall Manor. However, if the player has not acquired enough points, (through collecting skulls and answering questions correctly) the player will be prompted to go back and either collect more skulls or answer more questions correctly before being allowed to pass through the gate into the Manor.
8.    This will also be the case if the player collects two drink supplies and no food and vice versa.
9.  The player may wander around the grave yard at their leisure navigating forwards, backwards left and right. However the longer the player remains in one section of the game the more life their life expectancy is depleted. The only way to overcome this is to obtain plenty of food and water supplies and move through each section of the game as quickly and efficiently as possible.
10.              If the player decides to stay in one section of the game for an overly long period eventually the player’s life expectancy will deplete to nothing. The player will be made aware of this by the on screen indicators which will highlight their life expectancy, food and water rations, how many collectables they have obtained (collectables vary between levels- on the first level the collectables are skulls), how many points they have answered correctly out how many they have attempted, the average time it has taken the player to answer the question and how quickly they are moving through each section of the game.
11.              Once the player has scored 30 points or more and has enough life expectancy they may move onto the next section of the game. On entering a new section of the game the player’s life expectancy is given a boost.
12.                       At this stage of the game the player will encounter a non interactive 360 degree view of the Rose Hall Manor. This shall give them an idea of the building they have just entered.
13.                       After the 3D scene the player will walk through the door of the first building of this game level, of which there is only one entrance.
14.                       The player enters into a desolate, haunted looking building in a state of disrepair. In the middle of the room is a Table on which lays a book which when hovered over reintroduces the player to the Root chakra character- Voudou man. Voudou Man's role is to help the player throughout the Level One and issue the player with unknown information to help them on their quest.  This time the Voudou Man tells the player to retrieve the food and drink rations in the secret room which is opened by the secret key (which should have been obtained in the graveyard).
15.                       At this stage the player has a limited amount of time to open the door and retrieve the supplies. If the player did not obtain the key while in the graveyard they must continue through the game without the added resources. They are not allowed to go back to get the key.
16.                       The player then has opportunity to explore the Manor where they are able to collect food and drink to sustain life, answer questions to earn points, and skulls to earn money.
17.                       On the 2nd  floor of Rose Hall the player must weave in and out of wall partitions finding food and drink. There is also another secret key which can be obtained, however this secret key opens a secret room with trap doors and obstacles. The player receives nothing of benefit in this room.
18.                       If the player walks over a trap door they face going back a section to the graveyard.
19.                       On reaching the top of the Rose Hall the player will enter a very small room with only one door leading to an open scene of moving platforms high above a skeleton pit.
20.                       The player must use special awareness to gage when to jump onto the moving platforms and navigate their way into the centre without falling into the skeleton pit and losing life.
21.                       There are multiple ways of getting into the middle section of the platform area.
22.                       If the player falls into the skeleton pit three times they are taken back to the beginning of the game.
23.                       Once in the middle of the platform area the player receives a surprise gift, and must navigate their way to the other side of the platform section of the game without falling into the skeleton pit below.
24.                       Once successfully across, and on the stationary platform the player then crosses a bridge-like ramp which lowers them to ground level. The Bridge is not Draw Bridge and so does not lift up once the player is at ground level. However once the player has reached ground level they cannot go back at this stage.
25.                         The player must then enter into the graveyard once more, faced with one final opportunity to obtain skulls for money, Life boosters, food and drink to help sustain their life.
26.                       There are also two secret objects which will help or hinder the player in the next chakra level.
27.                       The player must explore the graveyard to receive their last message from the Voudou Man before entering the Transition building to go onto the next level.