Thursday 2 September 2010

Research: Sprituality


Focal points of game Design would be:

  1. Hindu art
  2. Multiple character designs
  3. jygfsj
  4. hkshcks


Focal points of Game Design would be:
  1. Renaissance art
  2. Symbolism
  3. subconscious manipulation
  4. Multiple character design opportunities


Focal points of Game Design would be:

  1. Buddah character design
  2. gameplay to acheive enlightenment
  3. Gameplay through the opening of chakras
  4. lkjuyu


Focal points of Game Design would be:

  1. Egyptian Dieties
  2. Character Design based upon Egyptian gods
  3. advancement in gameplay through Rituals
  4. turfyktuyt
After researching the possible directions i could take the game design i decided to..

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