Thursday 30 September 2010

Game Outline:

So just to solidify my many ideas I have decided to construct a rough draft of my Game Proposal which is as follows:

Character Design: Kidrobot toys

Here are a few examples of how others have individualised the Kidrobot toys;

Character Design

I have decided that for my game i shall create character based on the Kidrobot  figures. I shall then but the DIY figures and customise them to each one of my individual characters. Once I have done this I shall create a stop motion animation with the figure using the green screen and then key my animated background which I endeavour to complete in 3D.

Character Design

Thinking about the character design for my game i did some research in character design application and came across the Kidrobot characters and found them very appealing. I looked further into this brand and found the D.I.Y series which allows the buyer to customise their own mini versions.

These mini figures come in a variety of personas; Munny, Dunny and Labbit among others. The little figures come plain white and with a surprise accessory.

Here they are;

Wednesday 22 September 2010

Branding: Kundalini

Looking into the brand of the game I have accumulated some imagery of the Kundalini of which i intend to use as an anchor in designing my own logo for the Kundalini Rising game.

Tuesday 21 September 2010

Notes: MISC

A video illustrating the awakening of Kundalini and the obtaining of enlightenment which I think is a good representation.

<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value=";hl=en_GB"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=";hl=en_GB" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>

Notes: MISC

While researching the Chakra topic i came across a great quote by E. Cummings. I thought it was very thought provoaking and philosopical and could be easily utilised as the tag line for my game under a new genre of gaming. 'Philosophical Gaming' expanding on the concept of socially responsible gaming. The quote is as follows;

"Here is the secret nobody knows.
Here is the root of the root, the bud of the bud,
the sky of the sky of the tree called life..." - e e cummings                                  

The quote arouses intrigue into the unknown and the promise of secret knowledge, something every nation of mankind has thirsted after. I very much like this quote and my utilise it on any potential merchandise/packaging created for the game.

Notes: Game Levels

So I've decided to base my game on the Kundalini rising concept and opening of the chakras, using each chakra as a game level starting from Root through to crown which are 7 in total.

To over come each level you must open the chackras with your mind power. Once this has been achieved you may progress to the next level.

Each chakra level will be designed accordingly to the chakra which it represents. This allows for vivid imagery and great use of colour as each chakra is assigned a colour anyway. Below is a synopsis of each chakra, it's associated colour, affiliated emotions and the implications of an over-active or under-active chakra.

These are the principles of which my game levels shall be based.

Tuesday 14 September 2010

Research: NeuroSky mindset

The equipment needed to use the brainwave technology is called NeuroSky Mindset, this is an introduction.

Research: Brainwave Technology

Roll 7 have produced a series of games which utilises the power of the mind, using brainwaves as controls.The distance the gaming has come is unbelievable and this new use of 'brainwave technology' i feel will catapult games in a whole new direction. I feel that this technology is something i could use and incorporate into use of my own game especially taking into consideration it's concept. I feel that this is something which could be investigated further.

This is the trailer for the game Invaders which uses this technology.

Research: Socially Responsible Gaming Companies

Roll 7

Research: Socially Responsible Gaming

After researching into the countless possibilities that gaming holds, i was very conscious that although i wanted my anticipated game to have visual aesthetics of leading games, the game i want to produce i do not want not encourage violent behaviour or other such negative energies, especially considering the nature of the game.

Because of this I am now looking into the specifics of my game and it's intended audience as so that i may ascertain what can, and cannot be included and how to reach my T.A.

Looking further into responsibility i feel during the production of the game i would like to produce I came across a few articles that touched upon the use of 'socially responsible gaming' which was a term i had not come across as i am not an avid gamer, however the concept intrigued me.

Thursday 2 September 2010

Research: Kanye West 'Power' video

An example of a technique I would like to implement into this project is this music video, which has been labelled a 'moving painting' by music artist Kanye West and was produced by artist Marco Brambilla.

I find the aesthetics of the video art fantastic, as i feel that the busyness of the video hold within it a narrative and the layered video effect is extremely attractive.

Notes: Artwork Techniques

As i see this brief as an opportunity to fully explore my creative potential i have decided to implement as many relevant art techniques and experimental methods as possible. I have looked at art and design work online, in magazines, books and exhibitions to draw inspiration and give me an idea of the potential art direction i can take when undertaking this project.

Motion Graphics 
Flash/Apple Motion
Tim Watkins

n/a (materials- paper etc)

Research: Sprituality


Focal points of game Design would be:

  1. Hindu art
  2. Multiple character designs
  3. jygfsj
  4. hkshcks


Focal points of Game Design would be:
  1. Renaissance art
  2. Symbolism
  3. subconscious manipulation
  4. Multiple character design opportunities


Focal points of Game Design would be:

  1. Buddah character design
  2. gameplay to acheive enlightenment
  3. Gameplay through the opening of chakras
  4. lkjuyu


Focal points of Game Design would be:

  1. Egyptian Dieties
  2. Character Design based upon Egyptian gods
  3. advancement in gameplay through Rituals
  4. turfyktuyt
After researching the possible directions i could take the game design i decided to..

Notes: Research

Thinking about spirituality as the basis of my game there many concepts I could choose to explore, but the concepts which strike me as being most aesthetically alluring are;

  1. Hinduism (Indian art of Hindu gods such as Ganesha, Baby Krishna, Rama etc)
  2. Christianity (in particular renaissance artistic interpretation e.g Michelangelo, Leonardo Di Vinci etc)   
  3. Buddhism (The ideology of achieving enlightenment through ascending through the chakras)
  4. Kemetism 

Notes: Brainstorming general concepts

Thinking about how I can apply my interests to the brief so that I am able to demonstrate autonomy i am able to single out what aspects of my interests would make a good basis for game design; or an aspect adaptable enough to be the foundation of good game design.

Notes: Deconstruction of Brief

My first thoughts on the Brief are that this is a very open ended brief  which I am very happy about as it shall give me the opportunity to be very hands on in terms of exploring my creativity and chosen pathway for level 3.
As I have no intention to explore Gaming for level three I feel that this shall give me the opportunity to apply the fundamentals of the other two pathways to game design.

The Brief

You will produce a design for a game, intended to be used as a pitch to a company. The design should be produced as artwork, either hand drawn or digital but, in either case of a suitable standard for a major presentation.

The visual work should include

  • A basic level design for one level, including map, textures and a description of expected gameplay.
  • Designs for at least two non-player characters, these should be shown from more than one viewpoint.
  • Designs for two buildings to be in the play area of the game, including drawings,  maps and textures.
  • A written description of the game, expected gameplay and how the designed artifacts will fit into the game.

The discussion should include brief notes explaining

  • How the designs will be realised, including required software
  • How and why design decisions were made with reference to both play and realisation

The presentation should be in powerpoint with supporting artwork, research notes and sketch books.

For the purpose of the presentation images can be drawn, digitally produced or scanned. The presentation should include an introduction to the game concept, visuals and discussion of the game elements discussed above and a brief discussion of how you see the game being implemented.