Thursday 6 October 2011

New Year, New Blog!!

As I have started my last and final year of Multimedia I have decided to create a new blog for 2011/2012. Please visit- 

for continuation of my multimedia work. 

Thank you!

Monday 6 December 2010


In essence I feel that the work produced in line with the brief to produce a game concept has shown fulfilled the design purpose. I am satisfied with the work produced and general game idea, I feel that the use of biofeed technology in interactive gaming is something I would like to research and develop further alongside the chosen genre of gaming I have looked into.

Wednesday 1 December 2010

Thursday 25 November 2010


Ton ensure that all my work is in on time I shall be using next week to finish off unfinished work, trying to get the Rose Hall Building to render and tying up loose ends of my project. I have also started looking into artwork which can be utilised as marketing material. Below is my first attempt at creating The Kundalini Poster...